
Monday 29 November 2010

Bad to Worse

 Good: Your hubby and you agree, no more kids
Bad: You can`t find your birth control pills
Worse: Your daughter borrowed them

Good: Your son studies a lot in his room
Bad: You find several porn movies hidden there
Worse: You`re in them

Good: Your husband understands fashion
Bad: He`s a cross dresser
Worse: He looks better than you

Good: Your son`s finally maturing
Bad: He`s involved with the woman next door
Worse: So are you

Good: You give the birds and bees talk to your daughter
Bad: She keeps interrupting
Worse: With corrections

Good: Your wife`s not talking to you
Bad: She wants a divorce
Worse: She`s a lawyer

Good: The postman`s early
Bad: He`s wearing fatigues and carrying an AK47
Worse: You gave him nothing for Christmas

Good: Your daughter has a new boyfriend, and wants to get married
Bad: She's pregnant, and it's his.
Worse: He's your illegitimate son from an affair you had many years ago.

Good: You get into bed, and she's feeling horny tonight.
Bad: You are drunk, and are feeling tired.
Worse: You forgot her mother is staying over, and you've entered the wrong room.


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